To receive confidential support from a victim advocate 24/7, 365 days a year, call or text 812-243-7272*.

* You may also email, but response time will be longer.

Indiana State University’s Victim Advocates provide confidential support and advocacy to survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking (even if you are not certain). We are here to provide resources and direct services that are non-judgmental, survivor-focused and empowering. These services include but are not limited to: providing confidential direction, reporting options and intervention for students in emergency and non-emergency situations, acting as a support person for victims, working with University staff and faculty to resolve student problems; student referrals; and offering a 24/7 helpline  We are available to help each survivor assess their reporting options and access resources that meet their personal needs. ​ 

If you are the victim of a sexual assault, other sex offense, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking (even if you are not certain), you may call or text the Indiana State Victim Advocate at 812-243-7272 at any time 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This phone line is the only confidential victim advocate number.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, partner violence, or stalking, here are some steps you can choose to take:

  • Go to a safe place.
  • Consider speaking with a confidential resource, which means that with few exceptions they are not mandatory reporters of sexual violence. (The exception is if the victim of sexual violence is a child, elder, and/or vulnerable adult.)
  • Consider your reporting options. Your options include:
  • Connect with a support person of your choosing. This can include family, friends, and faculty/staff you are close to. Keep in mind, faculty/staff are mandated to report allegations of sexual assault, stalking, and partner violence to the Title IX Office
  • You may seek medical attention.
  • Consider steps to preserve and record evidence, which could include going to a hospital emergency room and requesting a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) or a SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Examine).
  • You may seek assistance in changing university academic, living, working, and transportation situations, regardless of whether you choose to report the crime to University Police or local law enforcement.
  • You may seek an order of protection, a court-ordered no contact order, a restraining order, or similar lawful orders from a court of competent jurisdiction.
  • You may seek additional help, counseling advocacy, legal assistance and other assistance.

  • Advocates provide resources and direct services to survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking
  • Survivors can request an advocate even if they are not certain they have been the victim of a crime
  • Survivors do NOT have to report to Title IX or police in order to request an advocate.
  • Advocates can be present with survivors:
    •  at the hospital during a SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Exam)
      • Advocates can not transport students, but they can follow them to be a support at the hospital
    •  during court proceedings
    • while reporting to police or Title IX
  • Advocates can:
    • Assist with reporting to Title IX Office or Police
    • Help with relocating campus housing if needed
    • Assist with class absence notifications or class arrangements as needed

Advocates also participate in campus events, including (but not limited to) Take Back the Night, Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October), and Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April) to raise campus awareness and show support for students.

On-Campus Resources

Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX

Complete the Sexual Assault Reporting Form

Student Counseling Center

  • Gillum Hall, Second Floor
  • 812-237-3939
  • Women’s Sexual Assault Survivor Group - Contact Trista Gibbons at or 812-237-3939

Student Health Promotion

University Police

Community Resources

Union Hospital – Terre Haute (On-call SANE provider only)

Union Hospital – Clinton (On-call SANE provider only)

 Council on Domestic Abuse (CODA)

  • 24-hour Crisis Line: 1-800-566-CODA (2632) or 812-232-1736
  • CODA has an emergency shelter
  • Offers legal advocacy
  • Allows children and pets (not all pets are accepted – ask on-call advocate)

Terre Haute Police Department

Vigo County Crime Victim Assistance Program

Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault (ICESA)

National Resources

Pathways to Safety International

  • 24/7 Hotline assistance

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network

  • 24/7 Hotline assistance

If someone discloses to that they have been assaulted, are in a controlling or abusive relationship, or have been/are being stalked, please be aware that you may be the first person they have told. Your response may influence their decision to seek additional help. Some ways you can support them include:

  1. Ensure their immediate safety. Your friend may wait to report sexual assault or partner violence until later, but it is important to ask them if they are safe. If they do not feel safe, encourage them to seek help.
  2. Listen actively and without judgment. Active listening is a skill that involves listening to understand rather than listening to respond. Don’t offer solutions or try to “fix” it.
  3. Believe them. Let your friend know you believe them, and never ask questions like “Why did you…” “What were you doing…” Also, never say things like “It could have been worse” or “You’re lucky it wasn’t worse.” If they blame themselves, assure them that it wasn’t their fault.
  4. Let them choose how to proceed. Encourage your friend to seek medical attention if needed, and tell them about other supports, including the ISU Counseling Center and the Victim Advocate.  Do not force them to do any of these things – it is important to help your friend feel in control of what happens next.
  5. Support their continued healing process. Understand that healing takes time. Be a strong source of support for your friend/loved one throughout this process.
  6. Look after yourself. It may be stressful or triggering to see someone you care about experience the impacts of sexual assault. Seek help and emotional support for yourself if you feel your mental and emotional health are suffering.


Policy 923 prohibits discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. With few exceptions, ISU employees are expected to report allegations of Policy 923 violations.

 Click here for the Policy 923 resource card, a helpful guide from the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX. This card includes resources that you can tell the student about, including the victim advocate.

Family Members

Family members especially may experience strong emotions when their student discloses that they have been a victim of sexual assault, partner violence, or stalking. These emotions may range between guilt, helplessness, anger, and depression. It is important to take care of yourself as you offer support for your student.

Indiana State University is committed to the safety and well-being of your student. There are many supports in place to help them, including the Confidential Victim Advocate, the ISU Counseling Center, and others. Encourage your student to utilize these supports in their healing process.